Don’t Freeze This Winter: 5 Signs It’s Time to for an HVAC Replacement

Is your HVAC slowly failing on you? Don't suffer in the cold weather. If you see these signs, it's time to invest in an HVAC replacement.
Technician inspecting an air conditioning unit.

Have you noticed certain things about your HVAC that have you thinking that something might not be working the way it should? It could be something as subtle as bundling up in a room when you haven’t needed to before or as major as weird sounds coming from your HVAC unit.

Is your HVAC slowly failing on you? You may think you can stretch it for one more year, but don’t suffer in the cold winter. If you see these signs, it’s time to invest in an HVAC replacement. 

Frequent Repairs and Service 

Having your HVAC serviced regularly is essential in keeping it running efficiently and to extend the life of your unit. How much is too much? If your HVAC has excessive and expensive repairs consistently, it may be time and more cost-effective to replace the entire unit.  

Not sure if you should keep servicing or replace the unit? Ask the technician to provide you with a quote for repairs and a quote for a complete replacement to help ease your decision.  

Rising Energy Bills Could Mean HVAC Replacement  

You may think it’s a mistake or that costs are just higher this year than last year. But that may not be the case. Check the cost from the same month of the prior year and if the price is higher, have a professional take a look. They can determine if maintenance is required or if your HVAC needs replaced. 

Your HVAC Is Making Loud Noises 

It’s perfectly natural for your HVAC to make noises while running. But if it starts making loud or odd noises, trust your feelings and get it checked out. Clunking, thumping, rumbling, and whistling could mean something serious and suggests your unit could need to be replaced.  

Inconsistent Temperature Control 

Does the climate in one room feel noticeably or even drastically different than in another room? An aging unit will sometimes lack enough power to keep temperatures steady across the rooms in your home. 

Another thing to consider: older units tend to work harder and longer to heat or cool the same areas as it did when it was newer. This struggle often results in higher energy costs while the temperature is erratic throughout your residence. 

It’s Just Getting Old 

Sometimes things just fall apart when they get old. According to Energy Star, you should think about replacing your HVAC when it is between 10-15 years old. Regular service and maintenance can increase the life of your unit but when you hit that decade threshold, it may be time to start browsing replacements. 

Get Ahead of the Curve 

If you’re having any of the issues listed above, call 254-709-3029 or request an appointment online to have a technician determine if it’s a quick fix or an HVAC replacement concern. Play it safe this winter and keep your temperature up while your utility bills go down!


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