5 Ways to Have Lower Heating Costs This Winter

Is your heating bill costing you more than it needs to? Read here to learn seven ways to have lower heating costs this winter.
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Most U.S consumers pay $90 to $170 on utilities each month. That’s $1,080 to $2,040 per year. About half of that amount goes to heating and cooling, reports the U.S. Department of Energy.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. 

From using a thermostat to insulating your home, there are ways to lower heating costs without compromising on comfort. Programmable thermostats, for instance, could save you thousands of dollars in the long run. 

Not sure where to start? Here are five ways to lower your heating bill (and still stay warm) this winter! 

1. Prevent or Reduce Heat Loss 

Most buildings lose heat through the roof, walls, floors, and windows. Cold air can also enter your home through cracks in the doors, windows, or walls. 

If you’re wondering how to keep your heating bill low, start by looking for areas of heat loss. Reach out to a home energy auditor if necessary. 

2. Get Your Furnace Serviced 

The average lifespan of a furnace is 16 to 20 years. While it’s true that some models can last for two or three decades, that’s not always the case. 

Like all appliances, these devices are subject to wear and tear. Their efficiency depends on the make and model, location, ventilation, and other factors. The frequency of preventive maintenance plays a role, too. 

If your heating bills are getting higher each year, it might be time to replace your furnace. 

Call an HVAC expert to inspect the device and determine the best course of action. Our team can install or repair any furnace brand, including Goodman, York International, Lennox, and others. 

3. Turn Down the Thermostat 

A programmable thermostat is one of the best investments you can make. 

This smart device will fine-tune the temperature in your home around the clock — even when you’re miles away. For further savings, turn the temperature down just a few degrees. 

Moreover, a programmable thermostat can increase the lifespan of your heating system and optimize its efficiency. Plus, it’s ideal for homes with multiple climate zones. 

For example, you can set a higher temperature in the living room and turn it off completely in the basement. 

4. Insulate Your Home 

Home insulation isn’t cheap, but it could save you a fortune in the long run. The U.S. Department of Energy recommends adding insulation to the following areas:

  • Unfinished attic spaces 
  • Finished attic rooms
  • Exterior walls
  • Band joints
  • Floors above unheated garages and other cold spaces
  • Ducts
  • Foundation
  • Basement

A properly insulated home will retain more heat in the winter and stay cooler during the hot summer months. Ideally, do it before the cold season starts. 

5. Use Humidifiers 

Moist air retains heat more efficiently than dry air. Try to keep the humidity in your home between 30 and 50% to lower your heating bill. 

A quality humidifier will not only help you cut costs but also relieve nose irritation, sinus congestion, and dry cough. It’s a great way to relieve irritated eyes and allergic reactions. 

Depending on your budget, you can opt for central humidifiers, ultrasonic models, evaporators, or steam vaporizers. 

Central humidifiers are the safest and most efficient. Reach out to an HVAC professional to install one for you. 

Get More Tips to Lower Heating Costs and Stay Warm 

These simple tips can lower heating costs and improve air quality. Start by checking your furnace to make sure it’s working properly. Invest in a programmable thermostat and take the steps needed to insulate your home. 

In the meantime, check out the rest of our blog for other tips. Feel free to contact our team to discuss your needs and see how we can help!l


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